
Tower of Babel

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My I have been lucky with seeing some great shows in London. Another awesomeness-full Igerslondon event, an outdoor theatrical show at Caledonian Park. Actors doing trivial tasks in trees- wine tasting, ironing, peeling potatoes, flower arrangement, to weaving past bonfires with gluwein, under the watchful eye on the tower, learning knitting with a new friend, watching performances on scaffolds, and getting a good piece of advice about deodorant use. The show has unfortunately finished, but Babel London's production group is something to keep an eye out for in the future..

Babel 16 May 2012


Some green space to breath in

It's been a few months since the move to London, and the lack of quiet has been a bit rough to put it lightly. So a trail through the lazy West Sussex towns of Amberley and Arundel a few weeks back as part of the South Downs Way was the perfect remedy. Vertically challenged 'hiking' somewhat, but the perfect setting nonetheless as a first-time glimpse of the British countryside. Gurgling streams, calm cow fields, pensive pensioners, tea gardens, castles and tree-trunk houses, snoozing sheep dogs and sailboats. Can't wait to see more of the countryside.


Petersham Nursery

Um, should the sun co-operate, here's a good bank holiday outing suggestion. Petersham Nursery in Richmond has a great cafe worth visiting. Wander through the gardens, the trays of tulips, the jasmine-scented cafe, the ceramic lovelies, the candle rows, the glasshouse made of door frames. Oh, and the only reason it was empty was because I was let in just before closing time.

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